Monday, May 4, 2015

What is the Best Practice if You Are Summoned to Appear before the Waterfront Commission for an Interview under Oath

If you are a longshoreman, checker, port security employee or maintenance worker you might be summoned before the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor to be interviewed under oath.  The reasons for such interviews vary, from work related activities and actions, to non-related work activities and actions regarding your personal life.  The Waterfront Commission has a wide range of powers to investigate anyone with a waterfront license to insure that the ports of New Jersey and New York are being serviced by employees with a high degree of ethics and integrity. 

However, it has been argued by some in this field of practice with a high degree of credibility, that sometimes the Commission in its quest to fetter out crime and nefarious undesirable influences on the ports have become over zealot and sometimes move for revocation of waterfront passes for reasons which are not entirely justified and sometimes outright unfair and unjust.

It is without dispute that if you are called before the Waterfront Commission for any reason, one for which you might not even be aware until the questions are being asked at the interview, you must obtain the advice of an experienced Waterfront Attorney.  The best practice in such cases is to consult an experienced attorney, and have the attorney present at the interview.  To do otherwise might have devastating consequences for the licensee and render further representations moot, because without legal representation at the interview you will not have the legal knowledge or experience to object to a line a questioning which might be unfair, unduly personal, or a violation of your constitutional rights.  Remember at the interview you have one-bite at the apple do not waste it and possibly lose your ability to earn a living as a longshoreman, checker, maintenance worker or port security officer.

Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr., Esq.
P.O. Box 261
277 North Broad Street
Elizabeth, N.J. 07207
Tel: (908) 354-7006

Attorney Sanzone is an experienced Waterfront Attorney for 25-years, and is qualified to guide you through the laws and procedures of the Waterfront Act


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