Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Movement and the Constitutional Right of Every American to Engage In Peaceful Protest, And the Need for the Police Not To Engage In Police Brutality.

The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights which is part of the United States Constitution makes it clear that neither the Federal, State or local government can pass no law or abridge in anyway whatsoever the people from engaging in the lawful exercise of the right to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to peaceably assemble or from petitioning the government to redress the peoples grievances against the government.

This grass roots movement which is growing day by day is a movement by a segment of the population that understands that the current two party system is going to maintain the status quo, and is not interested in redressing the many injustices present today in the United States.

It is true, and it is no longer a secret, that both the Democratic and Republican parties have only one goal, at the expense of all others, that is doing everything possible to perpetuate their grab for power.  As soon as they achieve their grab for power they reward their close cadre of loyalist, and party friends.  In their quest for power demagoguery and rhetoric has no limits.
Politicians are brought and sold by the highest bidders like cheap pawns at an auction.  They have neither the ethics nor fortitude to do the right thing, because doing so would immediately kick them out of their exclusive club.

People are tried of multinational corporate creed and executives and the people whom control these corporations whom are obscenely rewarded for their creed.  Multinational corporations have no loyalty to the people of the United States, and this has been proven time and time again, by their willingness to close factories in the United States and ship them anywhere in search of the cheapest labor cost and tax avoidance.  They hoard billions of dollars in overseas profits overseas, and dare not send the money back to the United States for fear of paying their fair share of taxes.  Thus, the money sits or is invested overseas, thus creating more and more jobs for people overseas.

The working middle class are people who are drowning in housing debt, tuition debt, and medical debt.  The banks have robbed the people in this country with impunity and have been rewarded by government handouts, and higher bonuses and salaries for their executives.  No bank official has been prosecuted for their reckless use of derivative swaps, which carried our nation to the cusp of another great depression.

Recent college and high school graduates cannot obtain a decent job.  And blue collar workers in the millions are left without jobs and no prospect of every finding another job paying a livable wage.

In reference to the Occupy Wall Street protesters, I hope that the police monitoring these peaceful protest do not engage in police misconduct in the form of police brutality, or by tricking protesters in marching into areas which they are prohibited and then arresting them. This type of unlawful behavior by the police has already occurred in New York City last week when many hundred of protesters were told to walk into a particular area and then arrested without notice for being in a prohibited area.  In New York City all of the protesters, except a very small minority, have been peaceful and have exercised their constitutional rights with exemplary behavior.

If the police use unlawful police techniques this will not only anger the protesters, but the general public who by in large support these protests.  The mayors and police commissioners of the respective cities should not tolerate any police brutality.

"If you want peace work for justice." Pope John Paul I

Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr.
Elizabeth, N.J.
Telephone: (908) 354-7006 
Dated: October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street, Freedom to Protest in NYC, NJ Civil Rights Attorney, Criminal lawyers NJ, NJ criminal and civil rights attorneys, Union County Criminal Law Defense.

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