The latest ridiculous claim by The Center for Constitutional Rights (“CCR”) located in New York City, is their claim that the Roman Catholic Church has engaged in crimes against humanity.
Recently the CCR filed a formal complaint to initiate an investigation with the International Criminal Court (“ICC”). The ICC is located at The Hague in the Netherlands, and was formed to enforce the Rome Treaty (“Treaty”). A copy of the full version of the Treaty can be found at:
With all due respect to some of the legitimate and worth while cases that the CCR has pursued in the past, this complaint against the Church is a baseless false attack on the Catholic Church at the behest of their friends and financial supports of the abortion industry and assorted other anti-Catholic groups.
The suit has no basis whatsoever in fact or law but was filed for media hype, with the goal of fanning hysteria and to continue to find, or manufacture, any news, even news dating back 50 years or more, claiming that the Catholic Church has been involved in a great conspiracy to molest children.
The claim in essence by the CCR is that the Holy Father Pope Benedict and other members of the clergy have engaged in a conspiracy and cover-up of priests who may have committed crimes while still members of the clergy.
The ICC was established on July 17, 1998 to investigate war crimes committed by individuals. The ICC was established under the terms of the “Rome Treaty”. For many reasons not part of this discussion the Treaty was never ratified by a number of countries. It is worth noting that both the United States and the Vatican are not signatories of the Treaty. However, it is suspected that one of the reasons that the Vatican and the United States never ratify the treaty was the argument that becoming part of this treaty would give the ICC jurisdiction against a country by a run-away court pursing false claims.
This is one of the reasons why the Vatican made the prudential judgment not to become a signatory because it would subject it to having to defend such a frivolous charge as evidence by the recent charge by the CCR.
In that regards the ICC, under Article 5 of the Act sets forth four types of crimes which it has jurisdiction: (1) The crime of genocide; (2) Crimes against humanity; (3) War Crimes; and, (4) The crime of aggression.
Under Article 7 of the Act “crimes against humanity” means any of the following acts committed as a part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, which are (a) murder, (b) extermination, (c) enslavement, (d) deportation or forcible transfer of population, (e) imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules or international law, (f) torture, (g) rape or any type of sexual violence of comparable gravity, (h) prosecution against any identifiable group because of race, national ethnic, cultural, religious or gender, (i) enforced disappearance of persons, (j) crimes of apartheid, and (k) other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious injury or body or to mental or physical health.
A review of the criteria for the ICC’s jurisdiction clearly shows that the ICC has no jurisdiction to investigate the CCR’s claim.
Today the only organized entity that unceasingly defends the natural law and the rights of all peoples regardless of their economic status, religion, ethnicity, legal status, and race is the Catholic Church.
The CCR loses all credibility when they make such foolish claims against the only institution in the post-modern area that continually defends the unborn, children and depressed peoples of the world regardless of their nationally, gender or religion.
With such a foolish filing it is obvious that the CCR is a front and mouth piece for the abortion industry such as the likes of Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocates which financially support CCR. The death service providers understand all to well that a false attack on the Church will distract people from the Church’s mission of peace and the protection of the unborn. A truth (that life begins at conception) that the abortion industry and CCR has a vested interest in hiding.
Competent histories of all the religions of the world for over two thousands years have extolled the virtues of the Catholic Church which humanized the West by insisting through its teachings the sacredness of all human life. The Catholic Church was the institution that developed the concept of hospitals, universities and modern science.
Pursing such a blandly false case by the CCR against the Catholic Church hurts their credibility and distracts people of good will, intelligence and reason, from supporting such an organization. If the CCR truly believes what they claim they believe they would defend the rights of all peoples and withdraw this false claim against the Catholic Church and apologies.
“If you want peace work for justice” Pope John Paul, I
Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr.
Civil Rights and Criminal Defense Attorney
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Dated: October 25, 2011